Sunday, November 4, 2007

In the words of Yoda.....

While stepping away from my writing for a while today, I came accross The Empire Strikes Back on TV, just in time to catch some excellent Yoda quotes! This one seemed particularly apt during NaNoWriMo, and for all the other challenges we come accross in life.....

Master Yoda: No. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

I'll leave it at that as a thought for the day :o)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Five Thousand!

Got over the 5 thousand word hurdle today, which is about 4,900 more words than I have ever written on a novel before! However, I have found my main character in New York, somewhere I have only been once, so I have been frantically reviewing my guide book so I know where to let my character go!

Had a most enjoyable brunch this morning with an american friend, who makes fantastic pancakes, so I do remember what a proper american breakfast tastes like :o) All those calories were purely in the name of research for my book, of course!

I am aching a bit today from the snowboarding, but not as much as I expected. And it's mostly in my arms and shoulders from where I kept pushing myself back up from the floor! My legs are fine, so hope to be able to get out for a run tomorrow.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Er, just a little bit off please?

Well, I haven't got as much writing done as I would have liked to have done today. But I haven't just been sat around watching TV either!

This morning was a trip to the hairdressers. Now most women I know enjoy their visits to the hairdressers, but I absolutley hate it! I've got better over the years, as the increase in grey has made more frequest trips necessary, but it's still not an experience that I enjoy. I hate sitting in front of the mirror while my colour develops, wondering what on earth it's going to look like when it's finished. It doesn't help that the gloop you see on your hair bears no resemblance to the finished product.

And then there's the cut. My "just a little bit" seems to be very different from the hairdressers "little bit". Oh well, that being said, she did do a good job today. I just get so stressed out by the whole thing! Stupid really as hair grows, it's never going to a permenant mess.....

Then this afternoon we went for a snow boarding lesson. There is an amazing indor place with real snow not far from here, so had a fun afternoon trying not to fall over and break anything. It was bloody hard work, but a lot of fun. And I certainly feel I have earnt the rather large glass of wine I plan to have later.

After I have finished my NaNo quota for the day, of course!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

First Thousand Words

The streets are back to their usual quiet state today after last nights Halloween madness. The gangs of horrible children have disappeared, and I've been able to relocate back to the living room :o)

Got started on my MaNoWriMo novel thisafternoon. It's all very exciting! I am not quite up to my daily quota for today yet, but I am quite pleased with how it's going. Taking some time out just now to bake some GingerBread men to keep me going through the evening!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

All Hallows Eve

It's that time of year again. The leaves are turning all shades, theres a wee nip in the air, and the nights are closing in. That's the good part.

The bad part is Halloween - an excuse for gangs of kids to wander the streets demanding sweets, or preferably money! And what do we get in return? Persistant banging on the door, followed by the windows and back door if we don't answer, and abuse if we do answer and don't give them what they want ie cash.

When I got home from work today I made sure the front and back doors were locked, shut all the blinds, and shut myself in an upstairs bedroom with just the flickering light from my laptop for company. I did make a cuppa first, but spilt half climbing the stairs in the dark when someone lobbed a firecracker just outside my front door :o(

It's not even like this is a bad neighbourhood. The kids are generally quite well behaved, and although respect is still sadly lacking they don't go out of their way to intimidate or otherwise upset the people who live here. So why do we allow Halloween to give them a license to do whatever they want?

I dread to think what it's like in other areas that already have a problem with gangs of kids wandering the streets.

Anyway, that's my anti-Halloween rant over with, as today is also the eve of my first NaNoWriMo, which is really what this blog is about!

Is it possible for a complete newbie to write a 50,000 word novel in just one month? Well, we shall see :o)